iMBA Program

Welcome iMBA Students!

The iMBA team is available to assist you at all times. We recommend that you bookmark this page for future reference, as it will be very useful as you complete the program. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at


iConverge is our annual on-campus networking and professional development event. It is a chance for students to see familiar friends, make new ones and develop professional relationships outside the classroom.

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Gies College of Business grants degrees three times a year -- in May, August, and December. You need to submit an application for graduation in your final term in order to place your name on the degree list and receive your diploma.

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News and Events

The changing face of online education

Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is continually developing online programs that make advanced business education more efficient, flexible, and impactful than ever.

Calculating the ROI of an MBA in the middle of your career

For mid-career professionals who are already juggling a challenging job with financial obligations and work-life balance, the potential benefits of an MBA may not be immediately apparent. To maximize their ROI, an increasing number of 30-something professionals are choosing a new path to an advanced degree.

Gies Business Spring Luncheon 2022

Gies College of Business 2022 Spring Luncheon
Friday, April 29, 2022 
11 am-1:30 pm | Chicago, IL

The Gies Business Alumni Association and Gies Business invite you to join us for the return of the in person Spring Luncheon, featuring keynote speaker Robert J. Jones, Chancellor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

During the program, we will celebrate Gies College of Business and the University of Illinois, and we will recognize distinguished faculty and alumni with the Excellence-in-Teaching Awards, the Gies College of Business Distinguished Alumnus Award, and the Gies College of Business Appreciation Award.

Register for the Spring Luncheon

The support of our loyal alumni makes this luncheon a great success. Details and sponsorship opportunities can be found at

*We will be following university and local city COVID guidelines for this event. Additional details will be communicated as event dates approach.