Forms and Policies
Program Policies
Gies Online Honor Code
The Gies College of Business is committed to an engaging, high-quality, online graduate student experience through a digital classroom approach. This student-developed honor code recognizes Gies’ commitment to providing a rigorous global online program for a diverse cultural population with expectations for student behavior found among business professionals with sound ethics and judgement.
The honor code will be updated with advancements in technology and program over time. The honor code is focused on four areas:
- Respect: As Gies Online graduate students we respect one another, our professors, the administrative staff, and the program. We strive to demonstrate this respect in all interactions. Recognizing the global footprint of Gies programs, we respect all cultures and perspectives, listen actively to their contributions, and promote a safe space for sharing and discussing socially challenging ideas. It is our responsibility to have these discussions thoughtfully and respectfully while discouraging discrimination of any kind toward our fellow students, professors, and staff.
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the claim that another individual’s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions are one’s own without giving proper credit. We will cite our sources appropriately in submitted work and respect guidelines provided by professors in using resources allowable for assignments and exams. This includes citing our prior individual and group work in addition to any information or cases found online. In order to protect the integrity of the program, we will not directly or indirectly share specific course information for our completed courses that is not widely available. If you need information on how to cite a source appropriately, go to the citation resource in our University Library. We take ownership to understand all academic integrity infractions as set by the University of Illinois.
- Collaboration: Working collaboratively is an important part of the learning process in this program but must be done by maintaining our academic integrity and respecting intellectual property. If we are unsure, we will check with the faculty team through for each course. We may and should share our experience and general information. We will also not share required purchased materials such as case studies, course packs, and books that are considered individual licenses. We will respect and consider students in different time zones when collaborating. We will also work to find and use communication platforms and styles that work for all team members.
- Accountability: As individuals, we hold both ourselves and others accountable in following this honor code. This is particularly true with group assignments, where we commit to attending meetings, contributing fairly, and including all members in decisions on how work shall be completed and submitted. If we are unable to contribute fairly, we expect teammates to reflect this in teammate evaluations, which may impact our final grade. We will uphold the 3Rs of Digital Citizenship and hold our peers accountable to be good digital citizens.
We will adhere to these principles in all interactions, including but not limited to: live sessions, live session chats, class Q&As, office hours, other school-sanctioned or provided platforms such as Workplace and GiesLink, other virtual or in-person meet-ups and events, and when addressing classmates, professors, teaching assistants, guest speakers, and staff. We recognize that failure to adhere to this honor code can result in disciplinary action including a score of zero on an assignment; a reduction in course grade; or dismissal from the program depending on the violation.
Gies Online Digital Citizenship Statement
We advance the well-being of our online community through our actions, interactions, and choices made on digital platforms. We will uphold this through the 3Rs of Digital Citizenship:
- Recognize -- We recognize that digital platforms make it easy to accidentally or intentionally copy the work of others. This is a violation of the Gies Online Honor Code and university policies. We also recognize that it is sometimes more difficult to maintain the necessary level of professionalism when we are not face-to-face with our colleagues.
- Respect -- We respect Gies digital platforms as professional environments where we value differences through respectful and professional discourse. As good digital citizens, we earn respect for ourselves and promote respect for others, the University, and Gies Online Programs.
- Represent -- As part of the digital community, we represent values and ethics that are important to us. Through them, we represent our families, countries, cultures, languages, companies, the University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, and the iMBA program.
As a Gies Online Student, I acknowledge and commit to advance the well-being of the Gies Online community through my actions and choices and adhering to the 3Rs of Digital Citizenship.
More About Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship is an extension of the honor code. As Gies Online students we recognize our responsibility to be good digital citizens. This means being respectful in our online interactions with fellow students, faculty, staff, and alumni, especially while using any technology provided to us by the Gies College of Business and the University of Illinois. Examples of this technology include: Illinois email, Workplace, Compass2g, Canvas, Coursera, and Zoom (including live classes, virtual events, webinars, office hours). Through our individual actions, we all represent Gies College of Business and the University of Illinois on a global level. As students, we agree to be collaborative and inclusive members of the digital community, to build trusting relationships, and to address conflict with integrity.
Embedded Graduate Certificates
iDegree learners can now elect to earn a Graduate Certificate while in pursuit of their MBA, MSM, or MSA degree. Embedding a Graduate Certificate within your degree allows you the opportunity to earn a transcriptable credential to showcase your knowledge within a particular focus area within your degree. All 12 credit hours of coursework must completed during your current degree program to be eligible to earn the graduate certificate. You must have the certificate on your record for a minimum of on semester to earn it, and the certificate must be on your record in the semester you confer it.
To learn more about instructions on how to pursue this option and program requirements, please select your program below.
Graduate College Forms
Program Letter Request
The program can provide several types of letters to students who need to verify their completion or payment. You will need to submit a Program Letter Request Form. Letters will be completed in the order received and you should allow for 7-10 business days for completion. The program can provide:
Program Curriculum/Degree Plan
For admission verification along with Degree requirements, along with the estimated cost of each course that will be required to complete.
Degree Conferral
For anticipated degree conferral with anticipated graduation date and remaining degree requirements
Registration Verification
For a detailed view of currently registered courses, which includes course title, term dates, credit hours, tuition amount, and descriptions of Illinois and Coursera components.
Students who need registration along with a grade should request a registration verification letter and follow the instructions below to obtain grade information.
Please allow 7-10 days for your request to be processed.
Course Completion Verification:
Please note, Online Programs is not authorized to issue course completion verification letters or grade reports. For course completion verification or grade reports, please follow the below instructions:
Students needing course completion verification should log into their UIUC Student Self-Service, where students are able to access their academic history. Students have several options to obtain reports of their grades:
- Log into UIUC Student Self-Service
- Select “Registration & Records”
- Select “Student Records and Transcripts”
- Select report option:
a. Final Grades: Final grades will show for the specific term you have selected
b. View Academic History: An unofficial transcript – report will show your entire academic history, but is not considered an official transcript
c. Official Transcripts: Request an official copy of your transcripts through either electronic delivery or paper. Official transcripts are $8 per copy. Electronic copies are delivered within 1 calendar day of the order being processed. Mailed transcripts will be processed within 5 business days and you should allow 7 to 10 business days for domestic delivery and 4 to 6 weeks for international delivery. Read more about transcript services.
Student Enrollment Verification
Students can obtain a free enrollment verification certificate which includes term start date, term end date, and enrollment status. Certificates are available for all enrollment terms or for current enrollment term.
To obtain your free enrollment verification certificate:
- Log into UIUC Student Self-Service
- Select “Registration & Records”
- Select “Enrollment Verification”
- Select the option that best matches the terms you are seeking verification for
- Click “Obtain an enrollment certificate”. Your certificate is available to download instantly.
Degree Verification
To obtain verification of your degree, please visit the University Registrar and follow steps for Degree Verification, which can be found here.
For the full schedule of registration and grade dates, please visit the Office of the Registrar.