iMBA Program

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Gies College of Business grants degrees three times a year -- in May, August, and December. You need to submit an application for graduation in your final term in order to place your name on the degree list and receive your diploma.

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News and Events

Dean Brown named Director of NBER Retirement Research Center

Jun 9, 2016, 11:05 by Gies College of Business
Photo: Jeff Brown Dean Jeffrey R. Brown Jeffrey R. Brown, the Josef and Margot Lakonishok Endowed Professor of Business and Dean, has recently been named Director of the Retirement Research Center within the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Previously, he served as associate director of NBER from 2003 to 2016, and has also been a research associate there. Retirement-oriented economics has been a major focus in Dean Brown's research. He has published extensively on the topic in multiple journals of economics and finance, and is a co-founder and former co-editor of The Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. In 2001, he also served on the staff of President George W. Bush’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security. In 2006, President Bush nominated, and the Senate confirmed, Brown as a member of the bipartisan Social Security Advisory Board. He also served on the 2015 Social Security Technical Panel, and is the recipient of the RIIA Achievement in Applied Retirement Research Award. Learn more about Dean Brown