iMBA Program

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iConverge is our annual on-campus networking and professional development event. It is a chance for students to see familiar friends, make new ones and develop professional relationships outside the classroom.

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Gies College of Business grants degrees three times a year -- in May, August, and December. You need to submit an application for graduation in your final term in order to place your name on the degree list and receive your diploma.

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News and Events

MarketingSherpa highlights the research of Brooke Elliott on the benefits of CEO Twitter use

Oct 27, 2015, 04:45 by Gies College of Business
Photo: W. Brooke Elliott Research conducted by accountancy professor W. Brooke Elliott and Ph.D. student Stephanie M. Grant indicate that Twitter use by CEOs has a broad impact on a company's performance. MarketingSherpa spoke with Elliott, as well as a CEO who uses Twitter, to better understand the implications.
Article summary: Many CEOs are reluctant to adopt Twitter. However, there are significant benefits to be reaped from the use of social media, including building investor trust and relationships with employees and customers. Read on to discover the results of an experiment on investors' willingness to invest, and insights from one of the most active CEOs on Twitter.