At a Glance: July 22, 2024

Jul 23, 2024

Online Programs Announcements
Empower Your Workplace With Gies Online
Our Online Programs at Gies College of Business cater to a diverse range of professional backgrounds and employers. We would love to meet some of your coworkers and share details on how graduate education can help them and your company succeed. Can you put us in touch with your HR department? Do you have a business club or professional group at work that could benefit from learning about Gies? We would love to have you join us for a presentation to share the student experience while we explain all of the Gies credentials we have to offer. We are excited to create new relationships with your colleagues! Reach out to Marcus Phillips for more information.
Register for Fall Courses
Fall courses begin as early as August 14, and soft launch is just a few weeks away. We recommend learners register at least two weeks prior to the start of courses to ensure access by soft launch. If you haven't registered yet, now is a great time to review your program’s fall course offerings and register in student self-service. Registration will close at 11:59 pm CT on the first day of class. Courses may fill up before they begin, so it's advised to register early. If you need assistance with registration or course selection, we encourage you to connect with a specialist on our advising team.
Ahsen Wins Award for Blending Business & Tech to Improve Mammogram Screenings
Professor Eren Ahsen’s research fuses the power of business, healthcare, and technology to develop applications that alleviate patient anxiety during mammograms and address disparities in access to these screenings. For his work, Ahsen was recently recognized with the Young Researcher Award at the 14th Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA). Read more about his research here.
Gies Download Podcast: Accounting Professor Nerissa Brown Paying it Forward
As an associate professor of accountancy and associate dean at Gies, Nerissa Brown is charged with not just preparing students for graduation, but also with helping them navigate a career path, overcome obstacles, and succeed in their chosen field. Few people know how to do those things better than her. A native of Jamaica and second-generation college student, Nerissa blazed her own trail and is now helping others do the same. Hear more about her on this episode of the Gies Download Podcast.
This Week at Gies

Use theEvent Calendar for information on upcoming events, such as iConverge and iDegree Convocation, as well as academic dates and deadlines for the semester. Click event titles below for details on the events happening this week.  
South Africa Immersion
July 28- August 3, 2024
In Case You Missed It...
Use the Online Program Announcements to view the previous At-a-Glance issue.