At a Glance - July 5

Jul 9, 2021
Online Programs Announcements
Holiday Closure - Monday, July 5
The University of Illinois will be closed today, Monday, July 5 in observance of Independence Day, a federal holiday in the United States. University offices are closed and no classes will be held, however, you may still have deadlines or assignments due today. There will be no Advising Express Hours offered.
Mark Your Calendar for the iMSA Coffee Chat!
Join Oktay Urcan, the Academic Director for iMSA, as we gather on Zoom on Wednesday, July 7 at 6 PM CT. This is a great time to ask Oktay any questions about the program or the Accountancy field, or just stop in to connect with Oktay and others in the program! No pre-registration necessary - join here. See you there! 
New Mergers & Acquisitions Specialization
Gies Online Programs is excited to have a new specialization launching in March 2022! Courses will include Finance of Mergers & Acquisitions, Accounting for Mergers & Acquisitions and Other Complex Transactions, and Application of Investment Banking Concepts. You can find common questions surrounding this new specialization in the attached document.

Technology Survey
With the expected retirement of Skype for Business and emerging post-pandemic changes in how we work and learn, the Collaboration Portfolio Advisory Group has been charged with recommending a next generation technology portfolio to support collaboration at UIUC. We would like the input of faculty, staff, and students via the UIUC Collaboration Technology Survey by July 12, 2021.
You can learn more about CPAG at:
Art Space
Creating art can be be a stress release, help calm anxiety, and allow people to process their emotions. On Monday afternoons from 3 to 4 p.m., the Counseling Center offers an Art Space Workshop via Zoom. The workshop is open to all students. It is not counseling and participants will not be asked to share their reflections. 
Zoom Meeting ID: 837 0496 8094            Password: art 
Daily Drop-In Mindfulness Workshops - Summer Edition
Many students have let us know they would find benefit in daily guided meditations, so we are now offering daily mindfulness drop-in workshops on Zoom. The 30-minute workshops will be held each weekday at 4:15 p.m. starting on May 24. Each day has a theme: Mindfulness Mondays, Intuitive Eating Tuesdays, Body Awareness Wednesdays, Thoughtful Thursdays, and Forget-it Fridays.
These workshops are not therapy. They are available to any student and are not confidential.
Zoom Meeting ID: 922 2891 7050         Password: CCMind
Upcoming MOOC Revisions
Because we strive to deliver innovative and exceptional course content, several MOOCs will have significant changes for the upcoming fall semester. It is strongly recommended to not complete the following MOOCs until a new version has been launched:
BADM 520 - MOOCs 1 and 2MBA 564 Special Topics 1 - MOOC 1
MBA 543 - MOOC 2     MBA 564 Special Topics 2 - MOOC 1
MBA 553 - MOOCs 1 and 2       MBA 544 - MOOC 1
BADM 567 - MOOCs 1 and 2
The revised versions of each MOOC will be shared here in our At a Glance weekly newsletter. If you have previously completed old versions of these MOOCs and have received the certificate, it will still be recognized. However, you should plan to watch any new video content in order to be successful in your accompanying high-engagement courses.
Independence Day Observed
Monday, July 5 
iMSA Coffee Chats
Wednesday, July 7 at 6 PM CT - JOIN HERE.